

 Welcome to the finance section of Thurstaston PCC


The PCC is now a registered charity, number 1132086. The full charity name is:

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Bartholomew, Thurstaston

Please continue to make cheques and other payments payable to Thurstaston PCC

For online donations

(At the top right hand corner of the Just Giving web page is a purple box containing the word "Donate")

For payments and donations by bank transfer (BACS) and for standing orders our bank account is with CAF Bank, Sort Code 40-52-40 account number 00018674

Our finances continue to rely upon the generosity of parishioners and friends, either by way of occasional donations or by Planned Giving.  Planned Giving can be made by envelopes, standing order through your bank, or a combination of both arrangements.  Here is some biblical guidance on giving:
Our giving to the church and charity follows God’s generosity to us in not only providing all the raw materials in the world for what we need but also through the gift of his only Son offering forgiveness and eternal life. As Jesus says in Matthew ch10 v8 to his disciples “Freely have you received, freely give”. Our generosity should be sacrificial in that we give up the potential of some of the worldly benefits of money.  As Paul says (2 Corinthians ch9 vs6-8) “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”.
You can download both a Standing Order Form and a Gift Aid Form by clicking onto the links below.  Gift Aid provides a valuable source of extra income to us, at no extra cost to you! We are able to recover your Income Tax at 25% of your gift.  
Higher rate taxpayers should include all Gift Aided payments on their tax returns in order to take advantage of increasing the threshold when their higher rate of tax kicks in.
The open door project at St Bartholomew’s Church to provide a toilet, kitchen and disabled access is ongoing.  It has a separate bank account and appeal for funds to enable project completion. More information can be found by clicking here.


Other charities in the UK depend on legacies for over half of their income whereas for the church it is only 10%.  Particularly if you will be asset rich on death with few people to give your money to, could you please consider the church as a potential place for a legacy.  This can save tax as well. Please click on the link below to view and download our Legacy Policy.


The forms below are in PDF format and can be completed online via Adobe Acrobat - please use the latest free version. Copies can be Saved and Adobe allows signatures to be added. Completed digital copies should be sent by email to the Hon Treasurer, by clicking here.

Standing Order Form                                              Gift Aid Form                                       Legacy Policy


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